Genetic conditions and birth defects can impose severe physical and mental limitations on individuals who inherit these health problems. When these genetic health issues are discovered at birth or during childhood, the parents can file a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD) or Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) claim to collect disability checks on their child’s behalf. Monthly disability payments can be extremely helpful for providing specialized care and maintaining quality of life.
Disabling Effects of Genetic or Birth Defects
Birth defects and genetic conditions that are included in the Social Security Administration’s list of impairments currently include:
- Autism
- Heart defects
- Digestive system disorders
- Growth impairments
- Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
- Respiratory disorders
- Sight/hearing impairment
- Speech disorders
- Neurological disorders
- Skin disorders
- Genitourinary disorders (reproductive organs and urinary system)
- Hematological (blood) disorders
Depending on the area of the body affected, genetic disorder patients may experience a wide variety of health problems involving cognitive function, movement, sensory function, bowel and bladder function, breathing, neurological function, and other organ function. Facial or other deformities can have serious psychological effects. Severe impairment often affects the patient’s ability to perform everyday tasks and in many cases requires ongoing medical care.
Hiring an Attorney to Prove Genetic or Birth Defect Disability
If you or your child is diagnosed with a genetic condition or birth defect, the first step is to see if the condition is listed in the Social Security Administration’s list of disabling conditions. If it is recognized, the next step is to produce proper documentation of the condition and have a physician sign off on the significant physical or mental impairment. If the condition is not listed, your SSD attorney can work to establish the disorder as an acceptable disability with the Administration. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, so having an attorney to run things may save your family a lot of effort.
Barriers to Genetic or Birth Defect Benefits
You may run into trouble during the SSD application process if certain requirements are not fulfilled. Applicants (or parents of applicants) must meet certain work history standards in order to qualify for SSD, or certain asset/income requirements if applying for SSI. A skilled disability attorney can work on your case to ensure you meet all of the criteria and submit proper proof of disability, work history, and/or income.
If you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance due to a disabling genetic condition or birth defect, please use our legal directory to find an SSD attorney in your community.